Today is the Day!

Today is the day to make some moves that are less lateral than I’ve made in the past. I need to finish an array of tasks that have been sitting on the “back burner” so that I have more room for the things I NEED to accomplish to be prepared for my progeny, my boyfriend and myself…

Today, I need to:

– Finish some course-work for school, so that I can have my Master’s degree finished up this summer.

– Finish my father’s taxes, so I don’t have to hear about his fears of imprisonment (even though he has given me his ill-organized paperwork in spurts).

– Apply for better work, because I work in the seventh circle of hell… and….

– Sew some burp cloths (which I will actually enjoy)

* I will post how to make these burp cloths on here, so anyone who sews might enjoy it.

I need to make dinner and do laundry and lastly

I need to “veg out”.

IMG_5726This is Me!

Hello World!

Hello world seems like such an on-point heading that I really find no need to change it, so I won’t. I have a baby on the way, and so I’ve already changed so much, but I continue to change things, down to the very minutia of my life, so that the outcome of not only my life, but the ones sewn into my life might be better. I say this, but I know that nature favors chaos and I cannot plan for every outcome…

I will still take the steps that might traditionally lead to life-success though.
